End of Summer Sale

ESS_socialWhile I must admit, fall is my favorite season, especially in New England, I can’t believe Summer is over!! Every year I say it fly’s by faster and faster ( I feel old saying that). Labor day does mark the end of this beloved time for most, it also marks sales weekend!!!

Stella and Dot of course is doing one of their own – 25% off all SALE items!! Check out a few of my favs 🙂

Check out the rest of the sale items at www.stelladot.com/brandcheerleder .






can you say inspired

As I mentioned before I was luck enough to attend hoopla in las vegas this year with my amazing upine Nicole Hazen and her entire up line teams as well as my beloved Erica (downline). We stayed in the beautiful Paris Hotel!


It was an experience to say the least. It wasn’t filled with sales tips as one may think – but instead it was filled with figuring out what makes YOU happy. Gratitude and genuine happiness were the themes through out the entire three days.

Everyone was dressed fabulously and decked out with jewels which was a blast, I loved seeing how stylists would wear the pieces in different ways.


Jessica Herrin, Founder and CEO speaks with such eliquince and certanty – she says over and over how much she beleives in you – to the point where you beleive it yourself. Sitting in a room of 3000 stylists, who’s passion, drive and entrepreneurial spirit are overflowing gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. IMG_3485

Jessica called Stella Dot an effort in, results out type of business: the more effort you put in the more results will come. The key to this is… CONSISTENCY rather than small bursts of activity. Watching woman walk across the stage receiving recognition for their efforts, made me want to be up there, made me want to work my business better so that I can be a part of my up lines success.


“A year from now you will be a year older no matter what, why not make it a year better! I am not a gambler, you wont find me at the slot machines, I take chances but I don’t bet on chance, I bet on me, I bet on my hardwork” –Jessica Herrin

It felt like they thought of everything. They even had a table set up to help you with social media. I thought this sign was catchy!

There were several other key speakers all of which I loved and will post about separately.
IMG_3566 IMG_3567It was a fabulous few days and I am so so so happy I attended.