
There are no words for the horrifying shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week. I am choosing to fight the evil in this world with goodness… I am participating in the 26 Acts of Kindness – one for each of those amazing little lives lost. Are you in? #26Acts

I am also doing this for the 21st Amendment and my dads restaurant, Fins and Tales in Southbridge… I am in! I am so excited! I cant wait to put these into action and brighten someones day!!

Ann Curry #26Acts of kindness

Ann Curry #26Acts of kindness

are you readyyyyyyy

66920744434681448_Jl17Re9cI cant say that I am – but I work well under pressure. This is by far my fav time of year but this year feels different for some reason. I mean we got a tree the weekend of Thanksgiving + decorated the entire apmt which was by the way one of the best days ever – Val and I watched lifetime movies + decorated + cooked. When I walk through Faneuil Hall or by holiday music playing I do get so excited – something just feels different. Maybe its being 25 and the HUGE emphasis I put on having a boyfriend I like by now (and I dont). Or that I know my lupus isnt in remission anymore (not to fear – im on the right track). Something just isnt right…. Maybe ill listen to my favorite Christmas songs + ill feel more in the spirit!