mOtIvAtIoNaL MoNdAy: The weight is over


Tonight I went to Yoga for the first time since I started Pilates, which was about 7 months ago. Getting to the mat is 1/2 the battle for me, I seem to always have something better to do (usually work) but I knew after the past few weeks I have had that I needed a good yoga class.

I have had vivid nightmares, about things I have tried to stop caring about, but despite my greatest efforts, my subconscious brings out the fears I keep trying to push aside.

As we sat on the matt tonight she tells us to hold the block, she asks what we think it weighs, people shout, 1/2 lb and other various guesses. She has us hold the block out to show that it doesn’t  matter what the weight is, but instead how long you hold it.


Sarah tells us to close our eyes as she tells the story of a motivational speaker who held a glass with water in front of a group, she said “how much water do you think is in here?”, they all assumed she was going to ask the glass half full question… the guests shouted out answers as we did with the block. The speaker said, if i hold this water for a few moments it’s not really a big deal, if I hold it for a few hours it becomes heavy, if I hold it for days it becomes a burden and so on… The point is it doesn’t matter what the weight is, it matters how long you hold on to it, how much of a burden you allow the weight to become. Choose to let things go, to put down the block, for the longer you hold them the heavier the burden they become.

I literally felt like this class was meant for me. I have never felt so connected, my mind, my body, my emotions, not sad …  almost relieved. In the smallest and largest sense. I hold on to things WAY to long + I am making a pact with myself right now, to let things go.